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What is Quidditch?


Muggle quidditch is an exciting new sport adapted from the Harry Potter books that is played around the world. It is a gender-inclusive sport that mixes the physicality seen in rugby, speed seen in soccer, agility seen in dodgeball, and shooting skills seen in basketball. Similarly to the Potter books, players require brooms between their legs at all times, and if dismounted, they must run back and touch their respective hoops.


There are four types of players in the field: chasers, beaters, keepers, and seekers. A team will have three chasers on the field whose main job are to score goals with the quaffle (a slightly deflated volleyball). Each goal is worth 10 points and the team that accumulates the most points wins. There are two beaters who serves to protect the team as well as dismount opposing players with the bludgers (dodgeballs). One Keeper is seen on the field and can act as either a goalie or as an extra chaser. The seeker's main job is to catch the golden snitch, a person neutral to either team, worth an additional 30 points. This totals to seven athletes on the field for each team.


Read more about the rules of quidditch specific to your region!



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