Want to see what we are all about? watch some of our videos and find out!
SFU Quiddich Team on ShawTV
go! West Coast
Follow the Simon Fraser University Marauders quidditch team at the Canadian Nationals!
April 7, 2015
SFU Marauders Vs Screaming Mandrakes - Ref POV
Clash in the Cascades at Western Washington University
November 8, 2014
How to Play Quidditch!
The SFU Marauders teach Jeremy Baker and Meredith Geddes from The World Famous CFOX how to play Quidditch.
April 1, 2015
Danny Ly Snitch Gameplay 2
Clash in the Cascades at Western Washington University
November 8, 2014
Quidditch at SFU
The Peak
The peeps from the Peak getting down and quidditch with our fellow team members!
February 20, 2015
SFU Marauders Vs Screaming Mandrakes Full Game
Clash in the Cascades at Western Washington University
November 8, 2014
Danny Ly - Snitch Gameplay 1
Clash in the Cascades at Western Washington University
November 8, 2014
SFU Marauders Vs UVic
Deathly Hallowsween Tournament on October 26, 2013.
From Fiction to the Field: SFU Quidditch